We are conveniently located just east of Sarasota’s judicial center on the southwest corner of Ringling Boulevard and Tuttle Avenue
Bowman, George, Scheb, Kimbrough, Koach & Chapman, P.A.
2750 Ringling Boulevard
Suite 3
Sarasota, Florida 34237
Tel (941) 366-5510
Fax (941) 957-4890
Eugene O. George ggeorge@bowmangeorge.com
Robert P. Scheb rscheb@bowmangeorge.com
David G. Bowman, Jr. dbowmanj@bowmangeorge.com
Robert A. Kimbrough rkimbrough@bowmangeorge.com
Kraig H. Koach kkoach@bowmangeorge.com
Kenneth D. Chapman, Jr. kchapman@bowmangeorge.com
Tina M. Mroczkowski tinam@bowmangeorge.com